Randy & Ozzy
Acrylic on ABS panel
16in x 24in Oil on board
The black bear rummages through our garbage eating the same food that has made us metabolically unwell. This in turn could negatively affect them, as represented by the inward decay shown here. Just a thought. Regardless, this says more about us than them
Or maybe this just might be a cool looking semi abstract/representational oil painting.
16inch by 20inch Acrylic Painting. Originally intended to be painted for and oval layout but ended up working just as well in the standard portrait layout.
Here are 3 paintings I recently completed of the now Dismantled Geraldton mining headframe
24in x 36in Oil Painting
Here are two paintings that I originally wanted to do in black & white monochrome but decided to add some splashes of colour throughout.
Oil painting that measure 48in x 30in. As per title, it depicts the birth of Blackbird, a fantastical entity, often mistakenly interpreted, whom is said to be a watcher and advisor for those who care to listen and yearn to understand.
Mural I did for the Thunder Bay Library (Stories of Anishinaabe Resilience) to acknowledge and pay respect to the former attendees of the St. Joseph Residential School.
It measures 8ft x 8ft and is composed of Qty 4, 4ft x 4ft sections. It is acrylic painted on wood panels.
48in x 36in oil painting of my friend Mike Esquega. This is one panel out of 3 which will come together to form one larger painting.
This painting of my sister, who passed away Aug 2020 is done in oil and measures 2ft by 3ft. I do have mixed feelings about it as it was to commemorate her strength and resilience in the face of illness and while that part has not changed, we all had high hopes for Bernie. I kept promising that I would paint her and am glad she was able to see me keep that promise.
The picture originally started as a double portrait and there is actually a full portrait of my mother to the top left of Bernie's head. She was there to be with Bernie in her time of need. If you look closely you can see the outline of my mom's head. My mother passed away almost a year prior to Bernie. I was just not having the easiest time painting my mom, so for whatever reason I painted over her. At the time I thought ok, she is still there with Bernie and even though she could not be seen now, her spirit is still with her.