Monday, November 28, 2016

Wolf & Raven


Here is an acrylic painting I did almost 2 years ago but for some reason never posted here.  It's painted on wood panel and measures 24in x 18in 

The Warrior Hunter has two allies in his quest for food and clothing.  The raven will often present assistance if we stop to take his advice, which may not be apparent at first.  The wolf will walk with us as brothers, offering us courage in times of need.  

Monday, November 14, 2016

Self Portrait - Life


I thought I had at one point finished this, however upon stepping away from it, I still was not satisfied with the way it turned out so after some thought, i wanted to give it a make over and maybe add some elements that I have been experimenting with on my previous acrylics. I'm finally satisfied and will call it done. The painting measures 2.5ft by 5ft and is done in oil on canvas.